Divine Anarchy’s Milestone: Celebrating Our Full dApp Release and Envisioning the Future

Divine Anarchy
4 min readDec 23, 2023


Reflections and the Road Ahead

Table on Contents

· Embark on an Unprecedented Journey with Divine Anarchy
· The Genesis of Ascension
· Embracing a New Motto: “Web3 for the Masses”
· Exciting Features in the Full Release
· Looking Ahead: What’s Next?
· Current Reality and Future Prospects
· A Message from Our CEO, Diversity
· Looking Forward
· Join the Divine Anarchy Movement

Embark on an Unprecedented Journey with Divine Anarchy

The Divine Anarchy team is ecstatic to announce the full release of our dApp. This isn’t merely an update; it’s the great leap forward, blending creativity, community spirit, and technological innovation into an immersive digital experience.

As we mark the two-year anniversary of Divine Anarchy, it’s time to reflect on our journey and share our vision for the future. It has been a ride filled with innovation, community engagement, and a relentless pursuit to push the boundaries of what NFTs can offer.

The Genesis of Ascension

Ascension originated as a reward mechanism for victors of the “Divine Tribunal” event, an innovative adoption use case. This initiative educated users about the significance of ownership, governance, and decentralization, blending art and storytelling to create an engaging and educational experience. Despite the readiness of the art, we paused, taking time to listen and learn from our community. You asked for more interactivity with your NFTs, and we took that challenge head-on.

We explored various avenues, from intricate AI to game conferences, seeking inspiration for our next big feature. However, we realized the need to pave our own path rather than follow the trends.

Embracing a New Motto: “Web3 for the Masses”

Our mission evolved to make Web3 accessible and exciting. This ambition led to our partnership with Laurel Pursuit for a Webtoon, aiming to bridge the gap between anime fans and Web3. Our goal? To create interactive, community-driven experiences that showcase the true utility of crypto and decentralized finance.

Exciting Features in the Full Release

  • Spirit Bonding: Engage with our exclusive ‘Spirit Bonding’ mechanic. Bond your Spirit Animals with NFTs from our diverse collections to earn and accumulate Power, unlocking new realms of possibilities.
  • Ascension: Experience the transformative journey of Ascension. Elevate your NFTs to new heights by unlocking evolved metadata attributes, and watch as they transcend to greater realms of rarity and power.
  • Crates Unleashed: Immerse yourself in the mystery and excitement of our Crate system. Each Crate is a treasure trove of potential, packed with diverse elements crucial to your Fusion and Ascension adventures.

Looking Ahead: What’s Next?

While the full release offers a wealth of features, the journey doesn’t end here. Our roadmap includes:

  • Fusion Feature: Explore the realm of Fusion, where you can merge and evolve NFT characters into stunning and unique creations. Tap into your imagination and set it free!
  • Divine Anarchy Webtoon Series: In collaboration with Laurel Pursuit, series coming soon on Webtoon
  • Introduction of DeFi Integration: Coming next, delve into decentralized finance within the Divine Anarchy ecosystem for a seamless and enriched experience.!

Current Reality and Future Prospects

Despite the passion and effort invested, Divine Anarchy has reached a point where the current management team can no longer sustain full-time involvement due to financial constraints. As of November 10th, our core team ceased full-time work on Divine Anarchy. However, this is not the end. We are shifting to a volunteer-based model, continuing to build and support Divine Anarchy in our spare time.

A Message from Our CEO, Diversity

“I want to express my deepest gratitude to our community and apologize to anyone who feels let down. As a CEO, I’ve faced challenges, but my love for technology and this community has never wavered. The financial toll has been significant, but our dedication to Divine Anarchy remains strong. We’re not abandoning this project; we’re adapting to continue our journey.”

Looking Forward

As we transition into this new phase, we invite you to join us in celebrating the full release of our dApp along with Ascension and our crate drop. Our journey with Divine Anarchy continues, albeit in a different capacity. Your support and engagement have been the driving force behind our endeavors, and we’re excited to see where this path leads us, together.

Join the Divine Anarchy Movement

As we embark on this new chapter, your journey into a world of limitless possibilities begins.

Get Started: Visit Divine Anarchy dApp and unlock a universe where your creativity knows no bounds.

  • Stay Connected: Follow us on Twitter and join our Discord community for the latest news, updates, and more.

